To each his own. To me my own.

Bucket List

‘Every man dies. Not every man really lives.’ ~William Ross

  1. Cage-diving with great white sharks. Though I prefer great whites off the coast of South Africaany shark over 12 ft. in any ocean will do. Second choice of sharks would be bulls or tigers.
  2. Swim in a clear blue sea. This could be anywhere from the Caribbean to the Keys. As long as it’s clear and blue.
  3. Experience what it’s like to be proposed to.
  4. Write a book. One that gets published – even better.
  5. Zip-line somewhere in or near a tropical setting.
  6. Witness a meteor shower.
  7. Wear a wedding dress.
  8. Swim with dolphins. Not just coexist in the water together – I want to touch them, let them pull me around, and give them kisses. 🙂
  9. Own my own boat. Not a yacht or anything – just one that could tote 8-10 people around comfortably.
  10. Learn to Salsa Dance… well.
  11. Learn to surf. Five full seconds atop a wave would make me uber-happy.
  12. Have Gary LeVox and the band of Rascal Flatts sing live to me.
  13. Get my passport. When I finally win that trip around the world I’d like to be able to actually go, after all.
  14. Go sailing. Real sailing. On a real moving sailboat.
  15. Get a tattoo of a butterfly. And I can stop at one. At least I think I can.
  16. Possess a concealed carry permit. Along with my piece.
  17. Revisit my birthplace, Muenchweiler, Germany.
  18. Ride in a mig.

(Footnote: I have no qualms about combo-packaging numbers 11, 8, 5, 2 and 1.)

5 responses

  1. mark

    Hi, i stumbled on your article about urbanna and it is beautiful, I lived in a bed and breakfast opposite town across the urbanna creek bridge. That was 15 years ago and I still think of the beautiful places. The people??? The ones in town are great, they understand tourism, but outside town you were either a Been There or a Come There. and you were definitely treated different as an outsider.

    I love your bucket list as well. many valuable things to consider that I haven’t thought of, and some I did that I didn’t place enough value on till now.

    Thoroughly enjoyed your blog.

    November 4, 2011 at 4:02 pm

    • Bonnie

      Mark, thanks for stopping by and taking the time to comment!

      Though I only spent four short days in Urbanna, I enjoyed my stay tremendously. I especially enjoyed my stay on a boat, I love the water. The town is more beautiful and picturesque than I’m able to convey in words! I’d definitely love to return someday and stay a bit longer.

      Thanks again for your kind comment! 🙂

      November 6, 2011 at 12:29 pm

  2. Pingback: Blue Lagoon, here I come… « Life of Bon

  3. Swim with the dolphins and to have a tattoo are also on my list. You have a pretty interesting Bucket List.

    January 25, 2012 at 11:33 pm

    • Thanks Sony! I’m sure it’ll get updated from time to time. 🙂

      January 26, 2012 at 7:56 am

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